Curriculum Vitae


  • PhD in Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 2019-2023

  • MSc in Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 2017-2019

    • Major: Intelligent Control

    • Minor: Unmanned Systems, Deep Learning, Image Processing

    • Advisor: Prof. Lixian Zhang

  • BEng in Automation, Northeast Foreastry University, Harbin, China, 2013-2017

    • Reasearch Insterests: Quadrotors and Image Processing

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor, February 2024 - present
    College of Computer and Control Engineering, Northeast Foreastry University, Harbin, China

  • Research Assistant (Visiting Scholar), December 2022 - November 2023
    Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands

  • Research Assistant, July 2019 - January 2024
    Intelligent Control and Robotic Application laboratory, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

  • Research Assistant, September 2016 - June 2019
    Research Institute of Intelligent Control and Systems, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

Activities and Memberships


  • Reviewer for IEEE Control Systems Letters (IEEE LCSS), American Control Conference (ACC), Optimal Control Applications & Methods (OCAM), Mechatronics, Scientific Reports, PloS One, Internet Technology Letters, Multimedia Tools and Applications, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, IEEE Conference on Fully Actuated System Theory and Applications, 2017 - present


  • Member of IEEE, 2016 - present

  • Member of IEEE Control Systems Society, 2023 - present

  • Member of Technical Committee of Manufacture Automation Robot Control, 2023 - present

  • Section Chair/Invited Session Organizer of CFASTA 2023

Honors and Awards

  • National Scholarship x3, 2014-2016

  • Scholarship from the China Scholarship Council, 2022

  • Chengdong Outstanding Young Scholar from Northeast Foreastry University, 2023

Computer Skills


  • Python, C & C++, MATLAB/Simulink

Deep Learning Framework

  • TensorFlow, PyTorch